
Difference between DoFollow and NoFollow Links

DoFollow links and NoFollow links are the two options for adding links to anchor texts. Links are important because they lead to search engine optimization, or SEO. SEO is important because:

1)      Your page will appear on the fact page of Google’s results list. This increases your visibility.

2)      Most web surfers only consider the results on the first page of the results list. This means you will get more hits and consequently, more money.

Although many people do not consider the difference to be significant, the two options have several differences worth noting. Knowing these differences will help you choose the option that is best suited for your specific situation.

Difference between DoFollow and NoFollow Links

1)      With a DoFollow link, your website will receive the vote of the webmaster and this will increase your ranking. With a NoFollow link, you get no vote and so your ranking will not change.

2)      NoFollow links do not have unrelated ads to weblogs and other forums while DoFollow links does. DoFollow links are considered to be a dirty tactic, just as bad as spamming. The NoFollow attribute was developed by Google to fight DoFollow links. With DoFollow links, there is a risk that your whole site, or a single page, may be filtered out.

3)      You can use NoFollow links with large sites such as google.com, digg.com, and cnn.com. This is because these sites are already popular and nothing you do can break them.

4)      Most forum owners allow DoFollow links in the signature and add NoFollow links in the post body.

5)      NoFollow links are popular with bloggers because they add to the value of the blog. This is because search engines love fresh content and comments are one source of such content. Bloggers opt for NoFollow links because they know they can attract visitors if the visitors can benefit from the commenting.

You can determine the link you have by checking the page source or through Firefox add-ons such as Status Search.

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